Our Projects

Our Projects

Below is a sample of HECC projects for you to learn more details about the work we do.

  • Materials Development and Publishing

    Dairy Council of California: Developed four brief online courses to highlight the Council’s nutrition education materials and provide essential nutrition education for program implementers.

    California Department of Public Health, Cancer Detection Program: Developed a health education curriculum and health educator guide for the Every Women Counts Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program.

    Healthy Choices: Developed lessons about nutrition and human growth and development for this Grade 10 health education program of study for Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia.

    School Employee Wellness Guide: A Guide for Protecting the Assets of Our Nation’s Schools: Developed the Guide, accompanying presentations, facts sheets, and marketing materials for the Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE). HECC also assisted with the evaluation of the Guide.

    Skills for Health: An 8-unit online health education course for high school students, developed for Apex Learning, Inc.

    Getting Results: Developing Safe and Healthy Kids: A nine-part guide, 11 facts sheets and trainings for school-based prevention professionals to assist them in creating and sustaining research-based prevention programs, funded by the California Department of Education’s Safe and Healthy Kids Program Office. Topics include: youth development, tobacco use prevention, violence prevention, substance abuse, etc.

    5 A Day Power Play!: Developed and field-tested curricula on nutrition and physical activity for schools and youth-serving agencies. (California Department of Health Services)

    On Your Own: Explorations in Nutrition and Physical Activity: Created and field-tested a high school nutrition and physical activity multimedia program with funding from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.  It has been published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.

    Center for Civic Partnerships/California Healthy Cities Project: Developed several publications, including : Around the Table: Community Partnerships for Healthier Eating; Fresh Ideas for Community Nutrition and Physical Activity; Developing Youth and Community through Tobacco Prevention, etc .


  • Interventions and Initiative Designs

    Community Health Needs Assessment for Non-Profit Hospitals:  HECC Principal worked with two rural hospitals in Maine to facilitate the process of developing a 3-year plan to address identified community health needs.

    Healthy & Well Women’s Conference: Facilitated a team from 3 rural hospitals in developing and delivering a women’s conference.

    Healthy Living Resource Center: Developed a healthy living program that included healthy eating and cooking, physical movement, and healthy mind and body classes for MaineGeneral Health.

    **Other Interventions and Initiative Designs can also be found in Materials Development and Publishing and Social Marketing and Message Development.

  • Social Marketing and Message Development

    Educating Women About Ovarian Cancer: A study to determine the feasibility of developing a social marketing campaign about ovarian cancer for women in California and their physicians. (California Cancer Research Program)

  • Research and Evaluation

    California Department of Public Health, Skin Cancer Detection Program: Conducted a pilot-test of an educational kit for elementary teachers.

    Sonoma County Department of Health: A multi-year evaluation of outcomes of five county-wide objectives in tobacco control, including cessation, smoke free outdoor dining, tobacco retailer education, and school-based tobacco prevention education. (California Department of Health Services, Tobacco Control Section)

    New York City Department of Health: Evaluation of a social marketing campaign funded by CDC to reduce latent tuberculosis infection targeting five foreign-born populations in New York City.

    Camden County (NJ) Department of Health: Health-related data collection from a sample of high school students using the Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

    Glencoe/McGraw-Hill: Qualitative research with teachers and department chairpersons using various Glencoe mathematics, science, language arts and reading textbooks.  Results utilized in marketing materials, including white papers.

  • Training/Technical Assistance and Project/Meeting Facilitation

    California Department of Education. Facilitated several advisory groups on various prevention topics, including gang prevention, youth development, and tobacco use, as well as several professional meetings/training for District staff statewide.  This included logistical planning, agenda and material development, facilitation, and final reports to the client.

    California Healthy Kids Resource Center.  Facilitated the development of the California Physical Education Content Standards working with a statewide advisory panel of physical education experts.  This included logistical planning, agendas and materials development, facilitation, note-taking and final report of standards, as well as gathering feedback from the community through a web-based tool.

    California Department of Public Health, Tobacco Education and Research Oversight Committee of the California Tobacco Control Program.  Facilitated a statewide advisory panel of tobacco prevention experts to develop a State Tobacco Master Plan. Also facilitated 9 public input meetings statewide to gather feedback about the draft master plan.

    Directors of Health Promotion & Education. Planned and co-facilitated workgroup meetings, as well as delivered documentation of meeting outcomes to client.

    Kauai Path, Inc.  Responsible for guiding the process to develop the West Side Path Alternatives Report for the Citizens Advisory Committee that included planning and facilitating committee meetings, community input meetings, development of communication materials for the media, and writing the WSPAR report.

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